
Learn more about real estate investment finance from Albeca Financial.

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What is PITIA?

"PITIA” stands for “principal, interest, taxes, insurance, and association fees”. This generally refers to the monthly payment required by a…

What is PITI?

"PITI" stands for “principal, interest, taxes, and insurance”. This generally refers to the monthly payment required by a borrower for…

What is a rate-and-term refinancing?

A rate-and-term refinancing is shorthand for a new loan that will replace the current loan only (i.e., it will adjust…

What is a cash-out refinancing?

A form of refinancing where the borrower will receive cash at closing. The amount of cash out will differ from…

What is a loan-to-cost ratio?

The loan-to-cost ratio is equal to the loan amount divided by the total project cost:loan-to-cost ratio = total loan amount…

What is a holdback?

The portion of the total loan amount not funded at closing. Common holdbacks include construction loans and interest reserves.Are you…

What is a construction loan?

The portion of a loan reserved for funding construction. Construction loans are generally funded in draws as the construction is…

What is a construction draw?

The portion of a construction loan that may be funded at certain milestones in the construction process, typically following a…